The contribution of solar panels to the national grid


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At the present moment the contribution of solar panels  to the UK’s electricity grid is not that high.  It’s believed to be somewhere in the region of 6.8% but this is rapidly changing and renewable energy is still a major player in the production of energy for the UK.  One way to increase the amount of soda energy that’s used is by all of us thinking about having soda panels added  to our own homes.  Solar Panel Installation Bristol based Already starting to set the trend by helping people put these useful items on their roofs or  outer buildings. With energy bills rising consistently over the last eight months or so,  and not particularly showing any signs of slowing down,  any way in which you can reduce your energy bill has to be worth exploring.

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The great advantage of a solar panel is that it should be powerful enough to deal with all of your home’s energy needs.  In fact it can generate so much power if positioned in the right place that the energies created can be sold back to the National Grid.  Effectively, everyone’s home could become a power producing unit.  All this can be done with affordable costs resulting in brilliant savings.

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With the creation of wind and solar farms, renewable energy surely has a large part to play in replacing fossil fuels in our energy needs.  It’s comforting to know that even the homeowner can contribute to this.

