Setting up a study space for university


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Are you heading off to university this year and worried about how you are going to move from the relatively structured studying of your GCSEs and A-Levels. THere are a number of things that you can do to help you with this new way of studying to ensure that you get the most out of your time and university and come away with the degree that you deserve after all your years of hard work in education.

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Once you have found your Student Accommodation Cheltenham way, from places like  Your perfect pad you will want to think about how you can best make use of the space that you have available to you. Different landlords will have different rules about what you can and can’t have in your room and whether you are able to have things such as notice boards and posters up on your walls. Here are some ideas of how you can create your own personal study space for university.

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Find an area of your room that you can place a desk in, if one isn’t already provided for you. It is important that you have a comfortable chair to sit on as the last thing that anyone who is studying wants is to be finding their neck and back starting to cramp up. Your desk should be big enough for a laptop to fit on plus any folders or books that you need to have next you. You will also want to have space to have your important notes on show such as when you deadline and exams are.

