Enjoying an Autumn Woodland Walk


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As we head into autumn, the natural world puts on a spectacular display, and there are many things that we can enjoy outdoors as the weather turns cooler. Nature is not something that we have to pay for and is a great way to help the mind to relieve stress and relax. Pretty much anyone can get out and about in nature and enjoy it – make sure that you have sensible clothing, a hot drink on a chilly day, and if you struggle with mobility, look into walking aids like this https://www.abilitysuperstore.com/collections/walking-aids to make your walk easier and safer.

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As the autumn arrives, the leaves start to change from green to a variety of shades, from browns and yellows to oranges and reds. Walking through an autumn woodland is a spectacular site, from the leaves carpeting the ground to the colours of the leaves still on the trees. You will also see many animals going about their business preparing for the winter ahead as this is a time when there are bountiful nuts and berries, from the acorns that attract animals like the jay and squirrels, to the berries like haws and sloes that the smaller birds enjoy feeding on.

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The autumn woodland is also full of larger animals that you might be lucky to spot – deer will be looking for a mate at this time, and you may even see the famous deer rut, and birds of prey will be actively seeking out the smaller animals as they forage for food.

