Setting up a  teenagers work space


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Do you have a teenager at home who is trying to continue with their school work but is struggling to find the motivation and space to do so? Here are a few tips to help set up a workspace for your teenager to focus on their studies.

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Desk and Operator Chair – having the right desk space can make all the difference. This could be set up in their room or in a separate study space in the house. This can help them to feel more focused on the task in hand as they are more comfortable and supported in a correct chair and have the room to spread out their study materials on the desk.

Area – A lot of people now are working from home and have converted their garage into an office or working space.  If you have a Garage and need the door replaced for additional security then specialist companies like Garage Doors Cheltenham company Up and Over can help.

Schedule – sticking to a study schedule helps all of us and your teenager is no different. Have them draw up a timetable for the week that looks similar to how their school week would normally look. Make sure that they factor in break and lunch times and if possible get some fresh air in the garden during these times to help invigorate themselves for further study later on. Of course, having things in the room that are important to them and make them feel at ease will always help.

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Food – the right food can make all the difference to a study session. It can be tempting to fill up on snack food but the high sugar content will result in a sugar crash later in the afternoon that makes it difficult to concentrate. Fruit and vegetable snacks are a much better alternative.

