Home Safety tips for the Winter Months


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The winter is a time when many of us can feel under the weather and also more tired than usual. It is a time of the year that we need to take care of ourselves and also our homes. The winter also brings risks to our homes, so here are the things to look out for at this time of the year…

Rain and Flooding – This is a common problem in the UK and during the winter heavy rainfall increases the risk of flooding. The best thing to do is to keep an eye on the updates that the environment agency will issue, as they keep an eye on the weather and will highlight areas that may be at risk of flooding. This will give you time to prepare.

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Increased Risk of Burglary – The darkness that we experience in winter is beneficial to burglars who want to go about unseen. To protect your home, contact someone like this CCTV installation Gloucester based company https://apmfireandsecurity.com/cctv-security-systems/cctv-installation-gloucester to get your home security systems ready. Using things like cameras, lighting and alarm systems all help to reduce your risks of being a victim of a burglary.

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Central Heating Problems – The worst time of year for the central heating to break is during the winter. Make sure that you have your boiler serviced regularly to check for faults – this way it can be detected before it becomes a problem. The ideal time for this is in the Autumn, as then you can have work done if needed before it gets very cold.

