How can earwax build up affect hearing


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For the most part ear wax is a useful tool that the body employs to keep us healthy and happy.  If you have ever had any pain in your ear you will know that it’s a particularly unpleasant experience.  As it is one of the most sensitive parts of the body there is an enormous amount of pain receptors in it to warn us of a problem.  Earwax acts as a defensive  response to any  foreign particle trying to enter into the ear.  Glands in the ear immediately respond to anything that they detected as being not wanted and start to cover it in a sticky residue which is the ear wax.  Speaking, chewing and generally working our jaw begins to move this ear wax and the foreign object out.

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For the most part this works fine but certain people experience a heavier buildup of earwax than others.  When this happens there starts to be a knock on effect to the ability of the year to be able to pick up on sounds and frequencies.

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If there is too much wax then maybe you need for it to be removed.  It is unwise to stick things in the ear, say like a cotton wool bud or smaller object as all this serves to do is push the wax further in. Professional Ear wax removal Sutton Coldfield based Are able to provide the service you need to clear your safely.

