Driving Safely When Travelling at Christmas


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Now that winter is here, there are lots of weather conditions that can make things slightly more difficult in our daily lives. Something that is important at this time of the year is driving safely, as winter brings with it many weather conditions that can make driving more hazardous.

As well as this, many people use the motorways up and down the country as they head home or to see family over the Christmas break, or head to airports as they take advantage of the time off work and go abroad. This means that over the festive period, the motorways in the UK can be very busy and when this is combined with wintery weather, it means that you need to be very aware of how to drive safely.

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If you are going to be driving on the motorway, the first thing to ensure that you do is to check your vehicle before you head off on your trip. This is particularly important in the winter as making sure that you have checked things like your tyres could have a much greater effect on your journey, and your safety.

Check the tyre tread to ensure that it is suitable and also check tyre pressure and look for signs of damage to the tyres. Making sure that your tyres are safe and suitable to use could save your life at any time of year, but especially in the winter when roads are wet or icy.

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When checking your vehicle, it is also a good idea to have an idea of the weather conditions that you might have in the winter and bear in mind the things that you need to check to ensure you can drive in this – fog, ice snow and heavy rain are all things that might be a part of the journey that you will have to deal with.

On the motorway itself it is important to understand all of the rules and regulations of the motorway and what you might see on there – from vehicle with chapter 8 chevrons like this https://www.pvluk.com/chapter-8-chevrons/ to how to use a smart motorway. Be aware that driving at too high a speed could be more dangerous in the wintery conditions, and it is also important to keep a good distance between yourself and other vehicles, as visibility and braking distance could be compromised in the winter.

