Posts by Caroline Fox

Getting your site ranked high in the search engines is the ultimate goal of many webmasters who decide to make an investment in search engine optimization, or SEO. The truth is, there are several different methods for achieving this goal, and you can choose from them to achieve the best results.

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One popular approach to SEO that works for some people but not others is article marketing. It may not be right for your specific circumstances, so keep in mind that there are no guarantees when it comes to achieving high rankings in the search engines. However, if you use this method you will save a great deal of money, since most search engine optimization methods will require that you spend money on other types of advertising, which could drive up your cost if you use more than one type of advertising.

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Another method you may want to consider using to learn how to get better Google rankings is to consider pay per click advertising. This is an extremely effective method of increasing the traffic to your site, and although it isn’t free, it is very low in costs. If you do decide to go with PPC, keep in mind that there is generally one top-performing keyword that will be used on your ad, so you will want to choose a keyword that has little competition. PPC can increase your ranking a long way, but not necessarily as quickly as if you were using article marketing.


Stamp Duty Refund

If you have purchased a home, whether that home is in the UK or not, or are going to buy…