Strange things you can find in a drain


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Drains are incredibly important to our daily life and overall hygiene. They are responsible for carrying waste water and waste products away from our homes in order for them to be processed carefully and effectively. There are times when drains can become cracked and damaged as a result of external factors or the items that are placed in them. This is where a Drain Lining company can help.

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A number of strange things have been found in drains across the globe over the years and here are just a few of them.

  • A cow – found in a sewer in France it is unsure how the cow actually got into the drain but it is thought that it must have fallen in somewhere and then walked along the underground pipes.

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  • Cereal down the toilet – one plumber was called to a home that was complaining of their toilet backing up. He wasn’t prepared for the sight that greeted him – a toilet bowl filled with multicoloured cereal puffs.
  • A Snake – a homeowner got a bit of a surprise when they found a snake slithering its way out of the toilet. The snake had found a crack in the pipes and made its way up into the house to find some warmth.

