How a clean working environment can make your staff feel valued


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Everyone wants to feel valued in their jobs and there are lots of ways that businesses can do this, from offering bonus incentives and time off for birthdays but there is one simple way you can show all your employees at once that you value them – having a clean working environment. No one wants to work in a space that feels unhygienic and dirty and it is a very quick fix, especially if you use an Office Cleaning Cheltenham company such as Big Green Cleaning Company to come in and sort this out for you.

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Employees spend large amounts of their day at work and so it becomes like a second home. This is one of the many reasons that it is important that this space is clean and comfortable. There are many knock-on benefits to this including the fact that a tidier environment makes your staff much more productive and motivated.

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Your employees are your biggest and best asset when it comes to promoting what you do and making them feel valued means that they are much more likely to be recommending the company and talking about it positively to their friends and family. It is important to remember that if someone has a positive experience they might talk about it with one other person on average, but if they have a bad time they will often speak to at least three people about it.

