Year: 2021

Business recycling service are available and can be found easily on the internet. They are a relatively modern service that want to help businesses recycle all their unused resources. A great new year’s resolution would be for people to aim to recycle more at home and at the workplace. Those interested in recycling more in 2021 could present Printwaste as a possible option to their employers. Having a discussion about recycling and pollution at work can be very useful, some workplaces have a sustainability officer with whom these matters can be discussed with. For those willing to go the extra mile, sharing knowledge about Printwaste on social media pages like Twitter, or with friends and family who have businesses is also a great contribution.

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Recycling more at home can be made easier by purchasing a bin with multiple sections. This allows for easy separation between food waste, recyclable materials, and non-recyclable materials. There are also different collection dates for recycle bins that can be checked online. These usually vary between regions but allow people to plan when they need to sort out their recycling. There are guidelines as to what materials can be recycled. Most food packaging states whether it can be recycled.

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